Hunting in British Columbia

Jennings River Wild is located as far north as you can go in British Columbia, so far north that we can’t leave our base camp at Swan Lake by road without driving into the Yukon. We offer hunting in British Columbia. We are at the northern tip of the Cassiar Mountains in the east, and the Coast Range in the west. With crags soaring 8000′, mountain creeks and lush green alpine meadows, the spectacular raw beauty our 3100 sq miles/8000 sq km territory is hard to match.
The Alaska Highway is the only road access and traverses the territory along its northern border, which happens to be the BC Yukon border. The only access into the territory is by aircraft or with horses, or for the hardy, a long, uphill hike.
Your Hosts in British Columbia:
Doug is from a Montana contracting family who are all passionate hunters. He is very familiar with the territory, having spent many years on the trail and in the area. Doug is the holder of the SCI Canada
Moose world record, which he took at Jennings River. Doug has hunted extensively all over North America and chose to plant his flag at Jennings River for its raw natural beauty and superb game.
Nic has been a part of the territory since his teens. Nic guided in the territory since the late 1980’s. Nic is a retired vetern. He and his wife, Safana, and their 3 boys, Aydin, Alex, and Alister, look forward to seeing you at Swan Lake Base Camp.
“Trapper” as he’s known to the North and in the world of professional rodeo, has been a fixture of the Canadian North for over 2 generations. Hall of Famer and Canada’s most famous and winningest professional rodeo cowboy, Trapper is also a noted bush pilot and has thousands of hours flying in the territory, not to mention his many years flying (and guiding) for other outfitters and oil companies.
Luke has been a part of Jennings River for over 20 years and has guided many successful hunts for record moose and grizzly bear. A former national level rugby player and professional fishing guide, not to mention an excellent cook, Luke brings with him a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience.
Heinz has been a part of Jennings River and before that, High Country Safaris, for 40 years. We are currently rebuilding cabins Heinz build with Ed Dolhan 35 years ago. He’s been a fixture here for so long he has a lake and camp named after him. He has successfully guided untold numbers of hunts for “swamp donkeys” and produced not a few monsters. He is a noted outdoorsman and author. Stories of his flying adventures like flying with an 80 lb stump tied to his Maule floatplane always provide entertainment at the cookhouse table.
Hunting in British Columbia
The Jennings River rises in the northern reaches of the Stikine Ranges of the Cassiar Mountains, at first running southwest, then turning northeast near the Tuya Range to enter Teslin Lake at its southern end, just to the east of the estuary of the Teslin River; also joining the lake in the same area is the Hayes River.
The lower reaches of the Jennings form the boundary of the Nisutlin Plateau, which extends north into the Yukon along the eastern flank of Teslin Lake and to the west of the northernmost reaches of the Stikine Ranges; Simpson Peak is one of the few named summits in that region of the Stikines, and stands above the lower Jennings to the east of its estuary.
To the south of the Jennings, west of the Tuya Range, is the Kawdy Plateau, which includes the small but rugged Atsutla Range, and southwest of which is the course of the Teslin River, which traverses the Kawdy, a subset of the Stikine Plateau, from south to north.